Redefining Customer Engagement in BFSI

Live chat has the highest levels of satisfaction at about 70% in comparison to other forms such as emails and phones. Millions of customers today are paying bills, checking transactions, buying services, reviewing products, making investments and even scheduling real-time payments. So it has become even more imperative for banks and financial companies to provide them with the best customer experience.

There are various channels through which customers interact with the banking system today including email, IVRS systems, telephone, text messages, social media platforms, and face-to-face interactions but the need of the hour is to create an Omni channel experience. A personal assistant who is just a message away has the potential to be the favored way of accessing data on personal banking and financial information in the near future. Gartner predicts that by 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship with the enterprise without interacting with a human – truly a great prerequisite to start thinking about Chatbot implementation now.

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Redefining Customer Engagement in BFSI

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