Integrating Modernization with ASM Deriving increased business benefits and innovation

Integrating Application Modernization with Application Support and Maintenance (ASM): Deriving more value from your portfolio IT…

Optimized Merchandising -Unleashing Search

Product findability may be the single most important function of your commerce solution. Search engine users…

Your Data and Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Truth be told, when I began taking on Marketing Cloud projects, I often found myself overwhelmed.…

Introduction to Governance Whitepaper

One of the biggest challenges our customers have with managing their Salesforce environments is the lack…

Salesforce Application Governance

IBM Linux ONE: A Secure Data-Serving and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

A technology-enabled business strategy such as digital transformation (DX) makes it possible for firms to expand…

SEO Checklist Website Relaunch

Immer wenn einWebsite-Relaunch ansteht, stehen unsere Kunden vor der gleichen Frage: Wie gelingt ein erfolgreicher Relaunch,…

SAP ERP Adobe Commerce

In 2021, the proven store system Magento Commerce was rebranded as Adobe Commerce. Magento Open Source…

Digital Transformation: The CIO Imperative

Today’s IT is defined by multi-cloud, and accelerating this trend, the COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered…

Elevating Your Brand: Strategies to Increase Company Branding

In the competitive landscape of business, a strong and distinguishable brand is a key asset that…