How Zendesk generated 61 sales qualified opportunities out of 2,000 untouched leads in 6 weeks

Zendesk was faced with a challenge: while their marketing team was able to generate tons of leads every month, a huge percentage of them were not being converted into SQLs. Leads were generated through a variety of channels – events, trial signups, white papers, and case study downloads. Although they invested significant budget and resources in demand generation, only a small percentage of highly scored and responsive MQLs were engaged and followed up with by the sales team due to a lack of bandwidth.

Leads that had the potential for sales opportunities, like lower-scored MQLs and high-fit dormant pre-MQLs, were left relatively untouched. Zendesk wanted a more efficient way to scale lead engagement and generate more pipelines from their marketing-generated leads without having to add additional headcount.

How Zendesk generated 61 sales qualified opportunities out of 2,000 untouched leads in 6 weeks