Three Steps to a Profitable, Modern Service Organization

Transitioning your support organization or contact center from a cost center to a profit center is an onerous process that can be difficult to navigate within an organization. Yet, it is a journey that must be purposely undertaken, performed crisply, and executed successfully for your organization to thrive in the competitive world. Being viewed as a cost center creates an endless journey of continuous cost cutting, funding reduction, justification, and re-justification of every investment and the need to always be more efficient this year than last. It is a self-destructing cycle that ends with an underfunded support organization attempting to provide ever-increasing services to an ever-demanding customer community in an ever more competitive market. The historical mantra has been simple: “Do more with less;” when the discussion should be focused on creating organizational value, defining competitive differentiation, creating loyal customers, and promoting profitable growth.

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Three Steps to a Profitable, Modern Service Organization